CAN 111 - Rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?

Composer: Rev’d Gaddiel Acquaah | Arranger: Reginald K. Watts

Rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn, mo dɔfo?

(Why are you hesitant, my dear one?)


Tsie W’agyenkwa bɔn adamfo..

(Listen, your Saviour the sinner’s friend..)


Rowasa bɔkɔɔ tu wo fo dɛ,

(is whispering softly, admonishing you that)


‘Mo nua, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?

(my brethren, why are you hesitant?)


Aso nnkobu ne pɛ no hwee

(Won’t you honour His will)

Nyia no bɔgyaa kyii maa wo yi?

(He whose blood was shed for you?)

Ekyimdzi mbusu, Soɛr si n’pi

(Dispell all doubt, make up your mind)

Ao, mo nua, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?

(Ao, my brethren, why are you hesitant?)


Soɛr, bɛkamfo ne dzin nwanwa’

(Arise, praise His wonderful name)

Jesus Ɔdomankoma Ba n’

(Jesus, the Almighty’s Son)

Ka no do daa, onnkowie gyan,

(Follow Him always, it will not be in vain)

Bra, mo nua, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?

(Come, my brethren, why are you hesitant?)


Wo dwuma dzi ma W’agyenkwa

(Your service for your Saviour)


Na wo nkorɔfo adasa;

(And for all mankind)


Yɛ ntsɛm, buber n’abɛn ampa;

(Hasten!, the harvest time is very near)


Fonafo, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?

(Weary one, why are you hesitant?)


Jesus Gyefo bɔ wo awoo!

(Jesus the Saviour, calls you)

Dɛ no do no mma nnyi n’emuo;

(That don’t disregard His Love)

Nkwa wura na oresen n’o,

(The Lord of Life, passes by)

Mo dɔfo, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?

(My dear, why are you hesitant?)

Rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn, mo dɔfo?

(Why are you, my dear one?)

Tsie, w’Agyenkwa bɔn adamfo
(Listen, your Saviour the sinner’s friend)


Rowasa bɔkɔɔ tu wo fo dɛ,
(is whispering softly, admonishing you)

‘Mo nua, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?
(My brethren, what are you waiting for?)


Aso nnkobu ne pɛ no hwee

(Won’t you honour His will)

Nyia no bɔgyaa kyii maa wo yi?

(He who shed His blood for you?)

Ekyimdzi mbusu, Soɛr si n’pi

(Forbidden unbelief, rise and affirm)

Ao, mo nua, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?
(My brethren, what are you waiting for?)


Soɛr, bɛkamfo ne dzin nwanwa’
(Arise, praise His wonderful name)

Jesus Ɔdomankoma Ba n’
(Jesus, the Almighty’s Son)

Ka no do daa, onnkowie gyan,

(Follow Him always, it will not be in vain)

Bra, mo nua, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?
(Come, my brethren, what are you waiting for?)


Wo dwuma dzi ma w’Agyenkwa

(Your work for your Saviour)

Na wo nkorɔfo adasa;

(And for your own people)


Yɛ ntsɛm, buber n’abɛn ampa;

(Hasten!, the harvest time is very near)

Fonafo, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?

(Weary one, what are you waiting for?)


Jesus Gyefo bɔ wo awoo!

(Jesus the Saviour, calls you)

Dɛ no do no mma nnyi n’emuo;

(That don’t deny His Love)

Nkwa wura na oresen n’o,

(The Lord of Life, passes by)

Mo dɔfo, rotweɔn ayɛ dɛn?
(My dear one, what are you waiting for?)

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